Research seminar: Open Access, no doubt!


Date:  2nd semester (21/03/2024)
Place: Online

Institution: UOC

Type: Seminar

Reflection on the learning and competencies:


The seminar highlights the importance of open access, defining it as the free availability of scientific literature online, without economic, legal, or technical barriers. Several benefits are outlined, such as increased visibility and impact of research, as well as ease of retrieval and preservation of research results. To promote open access, various legal frameworks and strategies are described at institutional, regional, and national levels. The different avenues for publishing in open access are explained, including the green route (publication in institutional or thematic repositories), gold route (publication in open access journals), hybrid route (publication in subscription journals with paid open access options), and diamond route (publication in open access journals without cost to authors). Additionally, resources are provided to locate journals and comply with open access requirements.


The seminar reminded me of everything learned in the workshop: «Where to Publish: How to Identify Leading Journals,» in which I determined the best journal to publish articles generated from my doctoral research. I started with three options: Nutrients, International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, and Nutrition Journal, and I selected the second one. This decision is supported by its superior quality, as assessed through the Think-check-submit checklist, and its higher impact factor compared to the other options. While Nutrients ranks in the top quartile for impact factor, it lacks membership in the OASPA association, and Nutrition Journal falls below the first quartile. Publishing in a journal with a high impact factor, as highlighted by UOC’s material resources from Gema Santos-Hermosa and Neus Milán Llorente, offers several advantages: Increased visibility of scientific literature / Enhanced impact of publications, leading to more citations for authors and publications / Perpetual access to documents / Easy retrieval of content published in open Access /Guaranteed preservation of research results / Enhanced visibility of institutions.

Overall, according to the UOC’s resources, selecting the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity aligns with the quality criteria established for scientific publications, enhances visibility within the field, and increases the potential for attracting additional funds and resources.

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